4 ene 2011


soap recipient from Labour and Wait.
After some days without updating, today I want to focus my post on skincare. Men's skin is much thicker and oilier than woman's, and it ages differently. Our skin starts losing fat around the age of 40, at a higher speed than woman's, so its important to use a very nourishing lotion to avoid it. 'Till then we have to maintain a correct level of moisture in order to protect the skin and prevent premature wrinkling.

Después de unos días sin actualizar, hoy quiero centrar la entrada en el cuidado de la piel. El cutis del hombre es más grueso y graso que el de la mujer y envejece de forma distinta. Nuestra piel empieza a perder grasa a partir de los 40, a mayor velocidad que la de la mujer, por lo que es importante usar una loción muy nutritiva para evitarlo. Hasta entonces tenemos que mantener unos niveles correctos de hidratación para evitar así el envejecimiento prematuro.

So the first step is a clean start. I recommend a mild soap free cleanser, such as this one from Rituals, with organic bamboo and ginger. Apply it on wet face with cold water in circular movement. Myself, after this step, I cleanse the skin again with a cotton pad and the body shop's vitamin E cleansing milk. This additional step gently exfoliates the skin as it lightly moisturizes it, which for my very dry skin is very important.

Once the skin is clean you need good moisturizing. One of the most advanced and better quality brands is skeen+. This french brand of cosmetics, has traslated the femenine philosophy of skincare to masculine gender. It's product contain compounds such as retinol, vitamin E, or glicolic acid. My choice, is the retinol day lotion, a product that contains the highest retinol concentration available in the market. This compound prevents aging and hydrates, as well as avoiding acne or rushes. Starting at 53€ available online on their web and on Sephora.
This third step, is more a rutine rather than a step itself, lip balm. Right now with the cold temperatures the lips appear cracky and dry, and it makes the lips look less full and more sad. It's important to continously hydrate the lips in order to keep the healthy looking. I especially like this balm by Carmex, because it doesnt have any kind of aroma or flavor and it really soothes the itch, moreover it gives little shine, so it doesnt make our lips look glossy.
To end up, I love to use a fresh cologne for my daily routine, for example this one from Labour and Wait with a lavender scent. It's a very fresh fragance and not very long lasting, however its a very good smell for the early morning. You can find it online starting at around 23€.

This is a very basic routine, but for most people is more than enough, is all about cleaning and moisturizing. I wanted to present some products that are accesible and not very expensive as well as being very useful. Finally for pale skins like mine I just found this product that it's really good. Its Clinique's non-streak bronzer, and it's basically a tint for your daily lotion, that lightly bronzes, but without the streaking of the no sun bronzers.

There are a ton of other products you can use, and I will talk about more cosmetics, because more men start to be interested in their skins, and its good to know what the market offers us, and find very specific products that can help us.

2 comentarios:

The Blond Man dijo...

Yo todas las mañanas me lavo la cara con un jabón limpiador de Avène y una espátula de pelo no muy duro. Luego me doy un tónico también de Avèney por último la hidratante, que ahora no recuerdo la marca.

Algo simple pero que me ayuda a controlar los excesos de grasa en la piel.

Lander Villar Plaza dijo...

Yo esque tengo la piel super seca, y me limpio con una limpiadora y luego me doy una crema para pieles secas. Y a la noche me doy un aceite con vitamina E, que es para cicatrices y estrías, jajaja, pero me deja la piel como la de un niño.